Ed Miliband Jokes About Life As An 'International Sex Symbol'

Miliband Reveals All About His Life As An 'International Sex Symbol'

Ed Miliband has revealed all about his life as an "international sex symbol" in a highly self-deprecating speech to reporters.

Speaking on Thursday night at the second Westminster political correspondent's dinner, the Labour leader also mocked his former boss Gordon Brown and the infamous photo of him trying to eat a bacon sandwich.

Miliband said he knew what journalists' first thoughts were on reading reports that he had shared a dinner with Hollywood actor George Clooney.

"One an international sex symbol who women swoon over, and the other was George Clooney," he quipped.

He also joked about reports that he had once climbed out of a window when locked in a house to make sure he wasn't late for a meeting with Gordon Brown.

"I was the first person ever to make a break for freedom to get closer to Gordon Brown," he told reporters.

The Labour leader admitted he did have a "special relationship with the media when it comes to food", adding that he thought there were still some "yak farmers in Nepal" who had not seen the photo of him trying to eat a bacon sandwich.

Miliband also made a serious plea to the media to concentrate on the "issues" at stake in the upcoming general election and not question the motives of politicians competing for power.

He said the parties were made up of people who entered politics for "right reasons" - regardless of their affiliation.

"You will shape this election too," he said. "And my only request is that you do your bit too to try and make this election about the issues, choices and beliefs that matter to the country as well.

"One of the biggest enemies of politics is cynicism, the belief that we are all in it for base motives. Agree with us or disagree with us, but report us for what we believe. This is all we can ask for."

He added: "We may have different roles and be on different sides but as custodians of politics and its reputation, we are, as somebody else once said, all in this together."

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