Penis Drawn On FlightRadar By Naughty Private Plane

This Private Plane Just Drew A Penis With Its Flight Path

If you're an aviation geek, you know about FlightRadar. It's an excellent website that allows you to track the flight path and status of aircraft across the world, including private planes, police helicopters and freight flights.

Normally the most interesting thing that happens is you stumble across a plane going around in circles. But a very naughty private plane flying over Lakeland, Florida, appears to have gone rogue and drawn a penis with its flight path.

The folks at confirmed to the Huffington Post that this screenshot is real.

We can't imagine this being an accident. If it is, it's incredible. If it's not, it's still amazing.

The screenshot was posted to Twitter by FlightRadar at 2am GMT on Friday morning.

The cheeky plane is owned by B&M Aviation, a company based in Orlando, Florida.


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