Germanwings Plane Crash British Victims Named As Paul Andrew Bramley And Martyn Matthews

First Picture Of British Germanwings Crash Victim

At least three Britons are believed to have been killed when the Germanwings jet crashed in the Alps with 150 people on board, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said.

The Airbus A320 went down in the south of the French Alps after enduring a terrifying eight-minute descent.

Offering "heartfelt condolences" to family and friends of those who died, Hammond said: "We currently believe that three British people have been killed in this tragedy, but we cannot rule out the possibility that there are further British people involved.

Paul Andrew Bramley, originally from Hull, was a passenger on the Germanwings flight

Father-of-two Martyn Matthews was also on board

"The level of information on the flight manifest doesn't allow us to rule out that possibility until we've completed some further checks."

Pictures emerged today of Paul Andrew Bramley, 28, originally from Hull, who was a passenger on the Airbus flight.

Another of the Britons has been identified as Martyn Matthews, a father-of-two from Wolverhampton. The 50-year-old had been on business in Barcelona and was en route to a meeting in Germany when the crash occurred, the Telegraph reports.

Mr Matthews worked for the British branch of the German car parts firm Huf Group. The company said it would not be commenting at the request of his family.

Contralto Maria Radner was on board the Airbus with her husband and baby, as was bass baritone Oleg Bryjak (right, below)

Two successful German operas singers on board have also been named. Contralto Maria Radner was returning to Germany with her husband and baby after performing in Wagner's "Siegfried," according to Barcelona's Gran Teatre del Liceu.

Bass baritone Oleg Bryjak had appeared in the same opera, according to the opera house in Duesseldorf.

Authorities said 67 Germans were believed among the victims, including the 16 high school students from a high school in the western German town of Haltern.

The Joseph Konig School's headmaster Ulrich Wessel said today he was "shell-shocked and speechless".

A number of Spaniards, two Australians named as mother and son Carol and Grieg Friday and one person each from the Netherlands, Turkey and Denmark were also on board.

In Japan, the government said two Japanese citizens were believed to be on the plane.

Marina Bandres Lopez-Belio, a 37-year-old mother understood to have been living in Manchester with her seven-month-old baby was also feared to have been on board.

There were no survivors on board the A320 Germanwings aircraft which crashed in the French Alps on Tuesday


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