As Hillary Clinton Announces Her Run For President, Here Are 8 Awe-Inspiring Quotes From The Woman Herself

8 Kick-Ass Quotes From Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has declared she'll be running for President in 2016.

And, quite frankly, we're excited about it.

After all, the prospect of having such a powerhouse as the first ever female President of the United States is a huge deal for women everywhere.

Releasing the news through a video on her website, Clinton said: "Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favour of those at the top.

"Everyday Americans need a champion and I want to be that champion."

She certainly is a champ. Here are eight other amazing quotes from the woman herself...

― Hillary Clinton, Living History

― Hillary Clinton

― Hillary Clinton, Living History

― Hillary Clinton

― Hillary Clinton

― Hillary Clinton

― Hillary Clinton

― Hillary Clinton, Living History
