He seemed to thoroughly enjoy getting involved in the run-up to the General Election, interviewing Ed Miliband, Natalie Bennett and Caroline Lucas - but Russell Brand seems to have made a surprising admission.
In latest Trews video, Brand comments on the resignation of several party leaders, as well reacting to David Cameron's re-election last week.
Commenting on the Labour leader's speech as he stepped down, Brand pretended to be Miliband and said: "Thank you Russell Brand for fucking up the election by getting me to come round your house."
He added: "He looks genuinely sort of relieved, it’s not fair.
"It’s a tremendous relief to see someone unburdened from the layers of artifice required to pose as a person in power."
We're not entirely sure that was all down to you Russell, but fair enough.
Many newspapers were quick to tear Miliband apart for his appearance alongside Brand.
The Daily Mail described the former Labour leader as “desperate and pathetic”, as well as a “clown”.
They began a piece following the interview by asking “do you really want this clown ruling us?”, and went on to refer to the meeting as a "loonie leftie love-in".
The paper's sketch writer Quentin Letts said Miliband had tried to "glottal stop his way through a sub GCSE analysis of international tax laws".
"Dimwit Russell kept staring at our would-be Prime Minister as though he was very odd indeed – this may be the first time I have agreed with Comrade Brand," he wrote.

"The two men, one a multi-millionaire the other the son of Left-wing privilege, competed with one another to see who could be the more mockney."
The Sun also referred to "The Monster Raving Labour Party" and slated Miliband for apparently putting on a “mockney” accent.
The comedian and activist was famously anti-voting but changed his mind at the last minute, urging Britons to vote for Labour.