Drinking Coffee Every Day Makes Men Less Likely To Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction, Study Suggests

Drinking Coffee Could Help End Your Erectile Dysfunction

Men who drink two mugs of coffee per day are less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) than those who avoid caffeine, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Texas found that men who drink between 85mg and 170mg of caffeine per day are 42% less likely to report suffering from erectile dysfunction than men who do not drink caffeinated beverages at all.

According to the NHS, one mug of instant coffee contains around 100mg of caffeine and one mug of tea contains around 75mg of caffeine.

The scientists studied data from nearly 4,000 men for their investigation.

Each participant recorded a 24 hour food diary, which enabled the researchers to keep track of how much caffeine they were consuming on average per day.

Men who drank between 171mg and 303mg of caffeine per day were also 39% less likely to report erectile dysfunction compared to those who drank between 0mg and 7mg per day.

However, men with diabetes were not shown to be helped by caffeine.

“Even though we saw a reduction in the prevalence of erectile dysfunction with men who were obese, overweight and hypertensive, that was not true of men with diabetes," Dr David S. Lopez, lead author and assistant professor at UTHealth School of Public Health said in a statement.

"Diabetes is one of the strongest risk factors for ED, so this was not surprising."

The scientists concluded that caffeine may be help reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction because it can trigger a series of effects that help relax the arteries in the penis.

In tern, this increases blood flow, making it easier to get and maintain an erection.

The University of Texas scientists are not the first to link food and drink to a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction.

Previously speaking to HuffPost Canada Living, Firouz Daneshgari, professor and chairman of the department of urology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, said: "Evidence that foods can help with erectile dysfunction is probably related to a vascular connection.

"Erectile problems are usually due to not having a good blood supply to the penis, so foods that are good for your vascular system may also help prevent erectile disfunction."

Scroll through the slideshow below to see what other foods may help reduce the chance of erectile dysfunction:
