Tesco Announces Plans To Cut Sugar In Drinks By 5% To Help Customers Make Healthier Choices

Drinks From Tesco Are About To Get A Whole Lot Healthier

We know consuming lots of sugar in drinks isn't great for our health, but now it may be easier than ever to avoid the sweet stuff.

Tesco has announced it will cut the sugar content in all its own-label soft drinks by 5% every year in a bid to help customers make healthier choices around food and drink.

The supermarket giant has also agreed to the removal of all added sugar from its Kids category from September and said it will begin to move towards removing all added sugar from squash.

The action comes after a 2014 survey from campaign group Action on Sugar found that a quarter of our favourite juices, smoothies and fruit drinks contain the same level of sugar as Coca Cola - which has around 10.6g for every 100ml.

Tesco Goodness Slurper Apple & Banana Fruit Smoothie Snack for Kids was found to be one of the worst offenders, containing 16.1g of sugar for 100ml when the study was conducted last year.

Action on Sugar's chairman Professor Graham MacGregor has welcomed the announcement from Tesco.

"Incremental, unobtrusive reformulation is the key way of reducing calories across all sweetened drinks – merely having the option of ‘diet’ or ‘no sugar’ products does not work, particularly for the most socially deprived," he told The Independent.

According to The BBC,, Public Health England has called on other drinks brands to follow Tesco's lead.

Tesco has already made steps towards reducing the sugar content in its products in recent years.

The supermarket's Improving Health page reads: "We have committed to long term plans to reformulate our products, reducing the amount of salt, fat, saturated fat and sugar.

"An example of where we have continued to reduce sugar is soft drinks. To date we have taken 3.6 billion calories out."
