'Big Brother': Four New Housemates To Join On Friday, After QUADRUPLE Eviction Twist

'BB' To Get Four New Recruits This Friday

Big Brother has a shock in store for the housemates on Friday night, when not one, not two but FOUR of them are booted out in the third live eviction of the series.


In case you’re wondering whether that’s going to leave quite a void in the ‘BB’ house, then never fear, because once the evictees are gone, four shiny, new housemates will be taking their place.

In Wednesday night’s show, Jack McDermott was told by Big Brother that the six housemates who had been nominated by the group would not actually be facing the public vote, and it was actually Amy and Sally, Chloe, Danny, Harriet, Kieran and Sarah who would be up for eviction.

Jack McDermott

Rylan Clark announced during the subsequent episode of ‘Bit On The Side’ that only the contestants up for the chop would be safe, and the rest of them would be out on their ear, to be replaced by four new recruits.

Just two weeks into this year’s series, and we’ve already had twists thrown at us from every angle, as part of the new ‘Timebomb’ theme.

On the first night of the series, BB held its first eviction, unceremoniously booting out Simon Gross just an hour after he entered the house.

Since then, Jack McDermott was voted the public’s “winner” and offered the chance to trade his place in the house for a luxury sports car, but ultimately chose to stay put, claiming it wouldn’t be fair on the rest of the housemates to leave so early on.

‘Big Brother’ continues on Thursday night, at 10pm on Channel 5.


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