'Big Brother' 2015: Jack McDermott Chosen As Public's 'Winner' In 'Timebomb' Twist, Turns Down Sports Car For Place In House

Public Choose Their 'BB' Winner (Well... Sort Of)

Jack McDermott has been voted the winner of ‘Big Brother’ after just three days in the house… well... kind of.

In fact, as part of the second ‘Timebomb’ twist of this year’s series, Jack was selected by the public as their 'winner', to be at the centre of a twist that saw him offered a new sports car worth £27,000, in exchange for his place in the house.

After finding out his prize, he excitedly addressed the public in the Diary Room, saying: “Thank you to anyone that voted. That is ridiculous! Are you serious? Is that mine? I don’t even know how to drive!”

'Big Brother' housemate Jack McDermott

However, the choice came at a hefty price, with Big Brother telling the fast-food worker: “If you choose to accept your prize and leave the house, the £100,000 prize fund for the remaining housemates will disappear. That prize fund will be reduced to zero.”

At learning this, Jack was given 30 seconds to make his decision, but he declared it a “no brainer”, confirming after a matter of seconds that he was not going anywhere.

He explained: “We all came for the same thing, anyone in this house would have done the same thing after what we’ve been through the past few days. It might come back to bite me on the ass but that’s my decision.”

After returning to the house, the contestants reassured an emotional Jack that he’d done the right thing, with Aaron assuring him he’d still be the public’s favourite, and could eventually by the car with his winnings.

The ‘Timebomb’ drama wasn’t over yet, though, with Nick - who was warned on the first night of the series that he’d be nominating face to face throughout the series - that he would have to make his first nominations there and then, choosing Adjoa and Sarah.

The 'Timebomb' twists kicked off on the first night of the series, when Simon Gross found himself unceremoniously kicked out of the house just an hour after entering.


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