Caitlyn Jenner Gets Support From Kellie Maloney, Who Says She Sees Her Own Experience 'In Caitlyn's Eyes'

Kellie Maloney Shares Her Thoughts On Caitlyn Jenner

Kellie Maloney has spoken out on Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair photoshoot, saying she sees her own experience in the eyes of the American star.

Kellie said of the reality star, "You can see in her eyes that she's very happy," and she hopes that Caitlyn's high profile will help other people understand the complicated nature of living with transgender issues.


Kellie was speaking today, following the release of the glamorous photos of Caitlyn in Vanity Fair magazine, and Caitlyn revealing her chosen female name in an interview, her first since revealing her gender identity struggles in April.

Speaking to the magazine, the ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ star says: “If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life.’”

Kellie, who was previously known as Frank Maloney, and has undergone gender transformation procedures since revealing last year her wish to live as a woman, said that Caitlyn's decision to reveal her new identity was "brilliant, you can see in her eyes that she's very happy... it's an issue that's very hard, very misunderstood and I wouldn't wish what I've been through and probably what Caitlyn's been through, on anyone."

Kelli also spoke about her own situation, revealing that she regretted separating from her wife as a result of her decision to live as a woman:

Caitlyn Jenner has revealed some more aspects of her lifestyle in a trailer for her new reality show, 'I Am Cait', which will be premiering on E! channel in the US.

The trailer shows Caitlyn doing her make-up, and leaving her secluded Malibu beach house for first time.

Caitlyn puts on her make-up in the first trailer for her new show

“So many people go through life and they never deal with their own issues, no matter what the issues are," she says. "Ours happen to be gender identity, but how many people go through life and just waste their entire life because they never deal with themselves, to be who they are?"


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