Powerful Photos Show Teen Girl Overcoming Idiopathic Scoliosis, After Having To Wear Back Brace For 23 Hours Per Day And Major Surgery

Powerful Photos Show Teen Girl Overcoming Extreme Scoliosis

Hannah was just nine years old when she started wearing a back brace everyday.

She'd developed severe idiopathic scoliosis, which is curvature of the spine, and was required to wear the brace for up to 23 hours a day.

By the time she hit her teenage years, she was told she'd have to undergo major surgery that fused her spine with two titanium rods to help her stand up straight.

Now, the brave teen has decided to share her story, in an attempt to raise awareness of a debilitating condition.

Hannah's journey - from the days where she had to wear a back brace to now, where she is hitting puberty - has been documented by Julia Cybularz, her aunt and talented photographer, as part of the Breaking The Girl series.

Julia also happens to have scoliosis and, although she hadn't had to have such drastic treatment, understands some of the struggles that Hannah is going through.

"I was inspired by Hannah, my niece’s courage, to complete this body of work. I shared a similar experience with scoliosis when I was Hannah’s age however I did not go through the bracing or surgery," Cybularz told HuffPost UK Lifestyle.

"It is my hope that the photographs create a dialogue and encourage people to learn more about scoliosis."

"Breaking The Girl explores the physical manifestations of anxiety, hope and the pervasive sentiment that occurs when a body inhabits a space that is not quite one's own," Julia wrote on her website.
