Ryan Reynolds Has Been Criticised On Instagram For How He Is Carrying His Baby In Father's Day Photo

Ryan Reynolds Sparked Controversy On How He's Carrying Daughter

Just like many other celebrity dads on Father's Day, Ryan Reynolds was pictured in a sweet Instagram photo with his six-month-old daughter, James.

However, since the photo has been uploaded, fans have piped up saying he is carrying his baby incorrectly, in a position that could potentially harm the child.

Comments began trickling in after the photo, posted by his wife, Blake Lively, received more than 332,000 likes, stating that the infant's feet sticking out was not good for her.

Although some fans didn't pay attention to how he was carrying his baby, and focused more on how "adorable you both look!", others were quick to urge Reynolds to find out how to do it properly.

One person said: "Please find out how you're supposed to wear the baby in that carrier. She will fall out!"

While others added reasoning to why Reynolds was holding her wrong.

Comments included: "The way the babies legs are positioned is not ergonomic and hard on her hips."

"Why are her feet hanging out the bottom?"

"That can be the weirdest and dangerous way to wear your baby. Please learn the proper way to do it. Baby's legs should be in frog position..."

"You shouldn't carry your baby like that... It's bad for their hips!!!"

"Her head should be supported, and her feet shouldn't be hanging. Sort it out!"

The concern comes from the baby having her legs, which could lead to hip dysplasia.

Hipdysplasia.org states that the condition is hard to detect because it does not cause pain in babies and doesn’t normally prevent them from learning how to walk at a normal age.

Rosemary Dodd, senior policy advisers at The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) told HuffPost UK Parents: "It's recommended, particularly by those concerned with hip dysplasia which is the dislocation of hips, they babies are carried in the "M" position.

"This is where they have their bottom down and their knees up.

"Carrying a baby close to you is a good idea when they are small because they settle more easily, so we would praise him for that.

"But the concern is that it is just more comfortable and better for the baby to use the "M" position."

Dodd said some babies are more prone than others to hip dysplasia, and some babies are even born with their hip not correctly set in their socket.

Reynolds correctly carries the baby front-facing. On NCT's safety recommendations about carrying a baby it states: "Carrying a young baby facing out in a sling is not recommended, as it forces your baby’s back straight against your chest, and causes their legs to dangle in a harness like position.

"This can mean the baby’s weight rests on his crotch rather than being spread from his bottom and thighs."
