Susanna Reid Tries In Vain To Disguise Her Breakfast With Her Foot In Hilarious 'Good Morning Britain' Clip (VIDEO)

Susanna's Fancy Footwork Doesn't Fool Us

You know that feeling when you’re munching your breakfast at your desk, and then all of a sudden you’re broadcasting live to the nation at seven in the morning on ‘Good Morning Britain’, and you have to improvise?

Well, Susanna Reid does.


On Tuesday morning’s edition of the early morning show, Susanna had clearly been tucking into her brekkie before taking to the airwaves, as a plate was spotted on the floor while she delivered one of her links.

Ever the professional, Susanna tried her best to disguise the errant dish by attempting to distract viewers with her high-heel shoe, but it was too late, and one eagle-eyed viewer spotted it and put it on Twitter.

Luckily, the TV journalist clearly had a sense of humour about it all, sharing the clip on her own page, before joking: “When your breakfast appears in shot, but you think you're secretly hiding it with your foot…”

During her stint at the helm of ‘Good Morning Britain’, Susanna has had to deal with her fair share of live TV mishaps - all of which she’s handled like a true pro - including an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction, where her dress came undone during a live broadcast.


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