A Fresher's Guide To Bristol University

A Fresher's Guide To Bristol University

Congratulations, you’ve gotten in to Bristol! Welcome to an institution which has been an intellectual powerhouse for more than a century, harbouring minds as great as Angela Carter, Will Hutton, and James Blunt.

You’ll be spending the next three years bopping around a city where the pavements gleam gold with craft-cider, and where the best-dressed people are those decked out in Adidas and Nike trainers.

Once you’ve gotten used to all the hills (and the reality of your Oxbridge rejection), you’ll love it. Nevertheless, it’s easy to feel disorientated in a place where students from the home counties have swapped their Jack Wills for something called ‘Wavey Garms’, so here are a couple of pointers to help you become adjusted to the best city in the South West (who’s even heard of Bath?).


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