'Celebrity Big Brother': Latest Eviction Twist Will Double-Bluff The Housemates

Everything You Need To Know About The Latest 'CBB' Eviction Twist

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ producers are hoping to fool all of the housemates with their latest eviction twist.


This Friday, two housemates will be voted out of the ‘CBB’ house by the public, except they’ll actually be heading into a secret room outside of the main house, where they can spy on the rest of the housemates on a plasma screen.

So far, so “same old”, right? Well, not quite.

The remaining 'CBB' housemates

In fact, while the “evicted” housemates get comfortable, what they won’t know is that the remaining celebrities will be informed of what they’re doing - in the first fake-fake eviction in ‘Big Brother’ history.

Confused? Us too, to be honest, but hopefully it’ll all be less of a headache come Friday.

Earlier this year, during the regular series of ‘Big Brother’, the show reached its peak when Marc O’Neill moved into a secret room, after taking part in a fake eviction.

He spied on the rest of the housemates over the course of a few days, with the help of “legendary” ‘Big Brother’ housemates, Nikki Grahame, Helen Wood and Brian Belo.

Judging from both of those examples, this latest twist will lead to yet more arguments, which is just what this year's series needs...

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ continues on Wednesday night, at 9pm on Channel 5.


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