How To Cut An Avocado: The Correct Way To Prepare The Fruit In Five Simple Steps

You've (Probably) Been Peeling Your Avocados All Wrong

Avocados can be tricky to prepare, but boy are they worth the trouble.

If you've been taking a somewhat haphazard approach to opening the fruit - and, as a result, end up with a pile of creamy mush on your plate - then take note.

There's a super simple way to peel the green foodstuff, which means you waste less of it and get the maximum health benefits.

To get the most out of your avocado, the folks at Mashable suggest a few helpful tips and tricks for successful preparation:

1) Slice your avocado down the centre (lengthways).

2) Pull the two segments apart.

3) Wedge your knife into the stone and pull it away from the rest of the fruit.

Once you've done that, you can proceed to cut the avocado up. The simplest way is to:

4) Chop the segments in half again (lengthways), so that you have four avocado quarters.

5) Peel off the skin. (Be aware that if your avocado is over-ripe, this might be quite difficult).

Et voilà, your avocado should be intact and looking as delicious as ever. Bon appétit.
