'Doctor Who' Actor Peter Capaldi Admits Concerns The BBC Is 'Under Threat' From Government

Peter Capaldi Reveals His Concerns For The BBC

‘Doctor Who’ actor Peter Capaldi has admitted he’s concerned for the future of the BBC.

Speaking to US chat show host Larry King, the British actor, currently in the middle of his second series as the Time Lord on the BBC, admitted he felt that the government was posing a serious threat to the future of the broadcaster.


He said: “The BBC is one of the great organisations of the world, the most special, special organisation.

“With the new government that we have, the organisation that makes our show, the BBC... [is] under threat. I think it's seriously under threat from the government.”

Peter Capaldi

Explaining why he thinks the government wants to involve itself in the BBC, Peter added: “I think the government doesn't think that the BBC supports it... because it is not answerable to shareholders and it entertains ideas - all kinds of ideas about Britain and about history and about the world and about art - that I think the government would rather not... they don't want to pay for it.”

However, he was insistent that the BBC should remain as it is, claiming: “The BBC represents the spirit of our country. It is so important that people don't let this magnificent thing vanish. It is that dangerous.”

Over the weekend, it was reported that the BBC were considering a shake-up for the future of ‘Doctor Who’.

With the current series receiving lower ratings than initially anticipated, reports claimed that producers were going to axe the next planned series, and instead air a handful of feature-length episodes, in the style of 'Sherlock', as well as a Christmas special.

‘Doctor Who’ continues on Saturday night, on BBC One.


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