PMQs is back yet again, with the usual rowdy behaviour and a few of Jeremy Corbyn's famous death stares.
Here's everything that happened, without all that annoying shouting.
There was a rather shocking fashion choice:
Jeremy Corbyn turned back to the question the PM dodged six times last week, and still didn't get an answer:
But mostly it was hard to hear anything over the Tories shouting him down.
Things were generally back to the way they've always been at midday in the House:
And when asked about the possibility of a winter crisis, Cameron resorted to a soundbite:
Then he cracked out another shockingly bad joke:
In the end, it seemed like there were no winners:
Except people tweeting about it.
The PM had a question about Channel 4:
And as usual any question not from his own backbenchers was dodged: