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What Would Happen To Our Bodies If We Didn't Sleep? Ted-Ed Video Explains Extreme Sleep Deprivation

This Is What Would Happen To Our Bodies If We Didn't Sleep

Around a third of the UK population has trouble sleeping and unfortunately, sleep deprivation can have a serious effect on our health.

The above TED-Ed video, created by Claudia Aguirre, explores what would happen to our bodies if we didn't sleep at all.

The video tells the story of Randy Gardner, a 17-year-old high school student who stayed awake for 11 days in 1965 to see how his body reacted.

On the second day, Gardner's eyes stopped focusing. He then lost the ability to identify objects by touch and became moody and uncoordinated.

By the end of the experiment, he was experiencing hallucinations and feelings of paranoia. He also lacked the concentration needed to carry out basic tasks.

Garner made a full recovery after the experiment but sleep deprivation can have a long-term impact on those who fail to sleep regularly.

According to the video, sleep deprivation can cause hormonal imbalance, illness and - in extreme cases - death.

Sleeplessness may also cause inflammation in the body, hallucinations and high blood pressure. It's even been linked to increasing an individual's risk of obesity and diabetes.

It is generally recommended that adults have around eight hours of sleep per night. Getting less than 6.5 hours of sleep per night has been found to increase an individual's stroke risk by 4.5 times.

In short, sleep is essential for keeping your mind and body healthy. So look after yourself by hitting the hay early tonight.
