Seven-Year-Old Who Donated Piggy Bank To Mosque After Paris Attacks Receives Amazing Surprise In Post

7-Year-Old Who Donated Piggy Bank To Mosque After Paris Attacks Receives Wonderful Surprise

A seven-year-old boy who donated the contents of his piggy bank to a mosque in Texas in the wake of the Paris attacks has received a big surprise in the post.

Jack Swanson, whose kind act was captured on camera, received a sweet thank you note and a brand-new iPad he had been saving up for.

"You had saved $20 [£13] in your piggy bank for an iPad but you donated this to the local Texas mosque," the note from the American Muslim Community read.

"Because of your amazing generosity and kind heart, please enjoy this iPad with kind thanks."

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Photos posted on Imgur showed Swanson's reaction to receiving the parcel, opening it, and his sheer joy at what was inside.

Many people commenting on the photos wondered how Swanson was ever going to save up for an iPad with $20, but the majority loved the story.

"I genuinely teared up at this," one Imgur user wrote.

Swanson's story gained publicity after a video showed him walking up to the Islamic Center of Pflugerville in America, which was hit by a vandal who left torn pages of the Koran smeared with faeces outside the entrance.

Swanson then presented his savings, according to Faisal Naeem, one of the mosque's board members.

Naeem told ABCNews: "Jack's $20 are worth $20 million to us because it's the thought that counts.

"Jack is just a little older than my son, Ibrahim. If we have more kind-hearted kids like them in the world, I have hope for our future."

The seven-year-old boy's mother, Laura Swanson, told KVUE that both she and her son wanted to support the mosque and show that "what happened in Paris is not what's happening in Pflugerville".
