There is nothing worse than seeing pictures of your ex living it up as you casually scroll through your Facebook News Feed...wearing pyjamas at 9pm on a Friday night. Or so we are told.
If you're honest, even your best anti-stalking efforts fall short when you share mutual friends who are constantly commenting or liking your former partner's over-filtered images.
Facebook has finally realised the role it plays in exacerbating this heartache and has introduced a new set of tools to help purge your ex from your life or, your timeline at the very least.

These features let you "see less of a former partner's name and profile around Facebook without having to unfriend or block them," the social media giant stated.
With the new tool, your ex's posts will not show up in your News Feed and "their name won’t be suggested when people write a new message or tag friends in photos."
It will also titrate how many of their updates appear in your News Feed while letting you untag yourself from posts or pictures with them.

The feature is being trialled in the US and if it proves successful, will be rolled out to the rest of the world. And all the single people said amen.