Susanna Reid Is Having None Of Piers Morgan's Flirting On 'Good Morning Britain' (VIDEO)

Susanna Reid Flawlessly Shuts Down Piers Morgan's Flirting

Picture the scene. It’s not even 8am on a drizzly November morning, and you’ve got Piers Morgan on the couch next to you, attempting to flirt with you.

You can hardly blame Susanna Reid for shutting him down flat, can you?


Susanna remarked that she was rather partial to a bit of facial fuzz, to which Piers said: “When I left CNN I went to a Mexican resort and grew a [beard]… I looked like a drug baron.”

Susanna and Piers

He then quizzed her on whether sporting the “big, hairy monster look” would be a good idea if he wanted to “gain her affections”, but she wasn’t having any of that.

She replied bluntly: “I don’t think there’s anything you can do to gain those.”

This isn’t the first time that ‘Good Morning Britain’ viewers have seen Susanna spurn Piers, though, having previously squirmed away from him when he tried to hug her, during a guest presenting spot earlier this year.

“I watched her covering the Paris tragedy and she was as good, if not better than, anyone else I have seen covering it. So the ridiculous accusations of flirting are incredibly sexist.”


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