20st Woman Depressed By Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain Lost Nine Stone And Rejuvenated Her Sex Life

How This Woman's Weight Loss Rejuvenated Her Sex Life

A woman who suffered depression after piling on weight post-pregnancy has lost nine stone and gone on to become a successful sex writer.

Heather Bryson-Banks, 39, from Somerset, weighed 20st 7lbs after the birth of her second child.

After realising that her weight gain was not only impacting her self confidence but had also become "life threatening", Bryson-Banks underwent a gastric bypass operation in October 2013.

Since then she has dropped from a size 28 to a size 14 and, injected with a new dose of self-confidence and a healthier lifestyle, she's become a successful sex blogger.

Heather Bryson-Banks before and after losing weight

For six years, Bryson-Banks lived in Lapland with her husband Wayne, 39, where the pair ran a dog sledding and wilderness adventure company.

During this time, Bryson-Banks gave birth to two boys, Rowan, 6, and Harry, 4, and piled on a lot of extra weight to the point where she couldn't bend down to tie her shoelaces.

By 2012, she weighed almost 20 stone, which, at 5ft 2", was impacting not only on her health but on the family's quality of life.

Knowing something had to change, Bryson-Banks - who had sunk into depression - underwent a Gastric Bypass operation in October 2013, which she vlogged about.

"It completely transformed my life. I conquered my problems with overeating and in the first six months after the operation," she said

Bryson-Banks continued to watch what she ate and, after two years of healthy eating, she managed to bring her weight down to just under 12 stone.

Injected with a new lease of life and newly-found confidence in the bedroom, the part-time lecturer has turned her hand to writing about her sex life with husband Wayne and sex toy reviews for Love Honey.

Speaking about her transformation, Bryson-Banks said that she couldn't believe how much her life had changed since losing weight.

"When I look at the pictures of me when I was overweight, I sometimes wonder if it is the same person," she said.

Heather and Wayne prior to her weight loss

"I changed completely when I slimmed down and the passion returned to my marriage. I was having so much fun with Wayne that I decided to start recording our exploits in a sex blog."

Bryson-Banks now blogs about anything from sex toys to bedroom antics to weight loss and is currently penning her life story. She also writes a weekly sex diary for The Sun newspaper.

"It's been an incredible 10 years," she said. "We've emigrated twice, brought up two children, ran a business in one of the wildest parts of the world and now I've become a sex writer. Life is certainly not boring."
