Will You Be Protesting On Friday? Tell Us Why Here.

We're looking for your responses to the call for protests around the country this Friday.
Demonstrators protest against South African President Jacob Zuma's firing of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, outside Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, March 31, 2017.
Demonstrators protest against South African President Jacob Zuma's firing of Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan, outside Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, March 31, 2017.
Mike Hutchings / Reuters

There have been no shortage of calls for South Africans to mobilise, from the former finance minister Pravin Gordhan to current government leaders. Gordhan called for "mass mobilisation" to ensure accountability in the state.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, speaking at a fundraising event on Saturday night, also appeared to be advocating for change.

The newly formed South African Federation of Trade Unions has also added its voice to calls for mobilisation. It said last week via Facebook that the "time for theorising but doing nothing belongs in the past!" Former Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi now heads this new federation. He was not available this week to shed light on what the trade unions are planning, but the unions have joined the Save SA campaign.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Alliance will be hosting a march to Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown on Friday, and many are using ANC stalwart Ahmed Kathrada's memorials and funerals as a space to push for public protest against President Jacob Zuma.

The Economic Freedom Fighters, notably, has said nothing about joining a protest.

The movement has been quite polarised. Some organisations are protesting last week's Cabinet reshuffle that saw 10 ministers and deputy ministers, including finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his deputy Mcebisi Jonas, fired or replaced. Others are asking for Zuma to step down as president. Social media as a result has been filled with conflicting views, with many calling it a middle class protest, and others still saying the movement is for everyone.

So we want to know from you: will you be joining a protest on Friday? Whether yes or no, which one ore you joining, and why? We'll compile your responses for Huffington Post South Africa readers. Send your responses to social@huffpostsa.com or on social media using the hashtag #ShutDownSA or #peoplesmarch no later than 3pm on Thursday.


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