Criticism continues to be levelled against a polygamy website in the UK designed to help Muslim men find second wives online.
Secondwife.com was founded by 34-year-old British entrepreneur, Azad Chaiwala in 2014, when he was in the process of finding a second wife.
"The second wife website came about from my need, and thinking there'll be other people in my situation," he recently told BBC Inside Out.
"There are other deceiving ways of doing it, affairs, prostitution etc. -- those are not necessarily good for relationships," he said, adding that through the site, it was "more honourable."
"Then marry women of your choice, two or three or four, but if you fear that you are not able to deal justly, then only one," reads the site's main page --- a passage of the Quran.

Chaiwala claims the website has 25,000 users in the UK, and more than 100,000 across the globe, including Africa. Three quarters of the subscribers are reportedly men, with the remaining quarter being women.
"It takes two hands to clap; a guy can't do it on his own," he told BBC Inside Out.
Polygamy is illegal in the UK, however, the law does not cover religious marriages.
Is this for real ??? https://t.co/ryULuqFpKJ How to find a 2nd wife for muslims !
— Sunlight (@SunlightBe1980) October 26, 2017
It's about time we stopped ring fencing religious practices and setting them beyond criticism. https://t.co/ovQdWiVuxw
— SileER (@SileER) October 25, 2017
@Number10gov if sites like https://t.co/HySDcRjajK are allowed encouraging bigamy in Muslim men , How do we accept that in our society ?
— The Golden Goose (@WELLSIANA) October 25, 2017
Government MUST act on this:
'We are a Muslim polygamy matchmaking service'
With 100,000 registered users in the UKhttps://t.co/ezfolhD0gkpic.twitter.com/UQOLolBt0w
— Wɪsᴇʀ Mᴏɴᴋᴇʏs (@wisermonkeys) October 24, 2017
Earlier this year, Chaiwala established polygamy.com. This website is open to anyone interested in the polygamous lifestyle.