A bombing in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Monday has left at least nine journalists dead, including Agence France Presse's chief photographer in the country, Afghanistan, Shah Marai.
In a synchronized attack, the journalists were killed as they covered an earlier bombing that claimed the lives of at least 26 civilians at the National Directorate of Security and a second explosive was detonated.
Marai's photos, syndicated by AFP through Getty Images, offered dark and sometimes uplifting images of the lives of the Afghan people. The archive of his photos shows that he captured moments that transcended the violence that has wracked the country for decades, like a tranquil snow-covered forest or a body-building competition. Yet, in an ironic twist, he also depicted the pain and anguish of family members grieving over those lost in the all-too-often bombing attacks.
Some of Marai's best photos follow.