How To Soothe A Crying Toddler: Play Him Adele's 'Hello'

Adele's 'Hello' Has Magical Toddler Soothing Powers

Adele's song 'Hello' is not only record breaking, it also possesses amazing toddler soothing powers.

Samantha Comte shared a video on YouTube of her son Roman crying in the heartbreakingly inconsolable way only toddlers can muster.

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The mum titled the post "Thanks Adele"and explained "Roman was having a bad day and there was only one solution."

We can only imagine the gut-wrenching lyrics of 'Hello' helped Roman put his troubles into perspective.

Why Toddlers Drive Us Insane
(01 of10)
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[In the supermarket] “Mummmy? I need a weeeee.”“But you had a wee before we came out.”[With great urgency] “Need a WEEEEEEEEE!”[10 minutes later, shopping abandoned, supermarket traversed, cubicle awaited, trousers/pants removed, child balanced on toilet]“So? Are you going to do a wee?”“No.” (credit:Alamy )
(02 of10)
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“Mummy? Make scramble egg?”[Spend 15 minutes helping child break eggs and stir them VERY slowly until partially mixed. Wipe egg off all kitchen surfaces. Spend 15 minutes helping child stir eggs in warm pan until eggs are massively overcooked]“Right, time to eat your scrambled egg!”“Want CocoPops.” (credit:Alamy )
3(03 of10)
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(04 of10)
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“Come on QUCKLY please! We're really late.”[Child goes into slow motion mode. Or worse, bends double, hangs arms to floor, and goes into robot which has lost power mode]
(05 of10)
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“Swings, mummy! Swings, mummy! SWINGS, MUMMY!”[Concede child needs fresh air and exercise. Dress child appropriately. Attach child's coat. Attach child's wellies. Ensure child has a wee. Pack essential snacks and juice. Put on own coat and shoes… discover child asleep on sofa]
(06 of10)
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“Mummy, PLAY HIDE SEEK! Pleeeeease!”“Okay, you count, I'll hide.”[10 minutes later, emerge from behind kitchen door to find child has forgotten all about hide and seek and is looking at a book] (credit:Alamy )
(07 of10)
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(credit:Alamy )
(08 of10)
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[Exit lounge to go to the loo. Return to find entire room covered in flour. Recognise hysteria bubbling up through torso at sight of completely white child/sofa/carpet…]“I luff you, mummy!”“………… [deeeeep breath] I love you, too.” (credit:Alamy )
(09 of10)
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“Mummy, this your glasses?”“Yes you know you're not supposed to touch…”[SNAP! ?#@*&%!!!] (credit:Alamy)
(10 of10)
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“Mummmy? Biscuit please?”[Hand over packet of biscuits with instruction to take just one.Child drops packet of biscuits twice.]“Not this one, iss broken. Not this one, iss broken. Not this one, iss broken. Not this one, iss broken…” (credit:Alamy )