Look Younger For Longer: How To Slow Down The Ageing Process

How To Slow Down The Ageing Process

The ageing process is inevitable, but there are several steps you can take to slow it down that don't involve the pointy end of a surgeon's needle. We asked Dr Rajendra Sharma whose new book Live Longer, Live Younger is released in January next year for his top tips of how to do so.

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Take a long hard look at your family

We need to establish where our individual risks lie. Family history and genetics as well as a clear understanding of the risks we take due to our particular lifestyle is a minimum guide to which part of our body is likely to age and fail us first. Specific tests on the health of our arteries such as the Arteriograph should be done.

Dr Sharma points out that the gold standard exercise stress ECG only identifies disease at a late stage and may not even have that accuracy in women. Neurological investigations assessing brain blood flow and function are available as are assessments of our ability to detoxify, perhaps one of the most important factors in preventing premature aging. Assessing our anti-cancer immunity and establishing if we have chronic viral infection may lead to life–extending therapy.

The importance of exercise

Exercise is, perhaps, the most important preventative, says Dr Sharma. A good regimen influences all the various systems in our body. Establishing that we have good physical structure is essential and his book clarifies and simplifies what we can do based on our own psychology towards exercise and gives practical advice for all of us who he points out fall into one of 3 categories:

We either think 'There is no time to exercise' or we reluctantly consider 'I'll fit exercise in somehow' and then there are those who put other things aside to say 'I'm off to the gym'.

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11 Easy Ways To Shorten Your Life
1. Make Bad Dietary Choices(01 of11)
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Over the years, there's been a lot of debate related to diet and longevity. But most experts agree that a diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates is best. And some studies show that eating a traditional Mediterranean diet can add years to your life. (credit:Shutterstock)
2. Never Check Your Cholesterol(02 of11)
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Just like high blood pressure, high cholesterol can also increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Therefore it's a good idea to have your cholesterol checked to see whether you need to undergo certain lifestyle changes or even possibly take some kind of cholesterol-lowering medication. For more information about cholesterol and saturated fats, go here.Eating certain foods, such as beans, which are rich in fiber and antioxidants, can help lower cholesterol. (credit:Getty Images)
3. Mix Alcohol And Prescription Or Illicit Drugs(03 of11)
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Even drinking wine with dinner and then taking prescription sleep aides can be a lethal combination. A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study found 5.8 percent of people age 50 to 59 used illicit drugs in 2010, up from 2.7 percent in 2002. (credit:Alamy)
4. Never Check For Diabetes(04 of11)
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The number of Americans with Type 2 diabetes is expected to rise from 30 million today to 46 million by 2030, when one of every four boomers -- 14 million -- will be living with this chronic disease, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Untreated diabetes can lead to blindness, amputations and clogged arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes. The test to determine whether you are diabetic is a simple blood test; you should remind your doctor to include it in your annual physical.
5. Pack On The Pounds(05 of11)
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More than one out of every three boomers -- more than 21 million -- will be considered obese by 2030. Already, we are the demographic with the highest and fastest-growing rate of obesity. As we age, our metabolism slows down and we burn fewer calories -- if we don't alter our eating and exercise patterns, weight gain is inevitable. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and a host of other life-threatening ailments. Losing just 10 percent of your body weight has health benefits, so consider that as a goal. (credit:Alamy)
6. Ignore The Signs Of A Heart Attack(06 of11)
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No chest pain doesn't mean no heart attack. Women having heart attacks frequently report experiencing a feeling of indigestion and extreme fatigue, while some men say they feel a fullness or a squeezing pain in the center of the chest, which may spread to the neck, shoulder or jaw. When a diabetic has a heart attack, the pain is often displaced to other areas such as the lower back. (credit:Alamy)
7. Get Little Sleep(07 of11)
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Try as you might, you just can't stay asleep, right? You pass out before "60 Minutes" is over, but then wake up around midnight and count sheep until the alarm goes off. If that sounds like you, you aren't alone. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that boomers report not getting enough sleep between one and 13 nights each month.Is it life-threatening? In itself, no. But as soon as you slip behind the wheel bleary-eyed, you are putting yourself and others at risk. Your reflexes are slower, you pay less attention and you could become one of the more than 100,000 Americans who fall asleep at the wheel and crash each year. And the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that's a conservative estimate, by the way. Driver fatigue results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries and $12.5 billion in monetary losses. (credit:Alamy)
8. Avoid Exercise(08 of11)
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AARP says the minimum you need to stay healthy are muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week, plus 2.5 hours a week of moderate activity like walking or 75 minutes a week of a more intense activity like jogging. Exercise is also good for your memory: Just one year of walking three times a week can increase the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that's key to memory. (credit:Alamy)
9. Carry The World's Burdens On Your Shoulders(09 of11)
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We're talking about stress with a capital S. Boomers are the sandwich generation, caught in the middle of caring for our parents and our children. We were deeply affected by the recession and boomers have the highest rates of depression by age demographic. Unless we unload, we are going to implode. (credit:Alamy)
10. Carry A Beer Belly And A Caboose(10 of11)
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It isn't just our extra weight; it's where we carry it. An excess of visceral fat causes our abdomens to protrude excessively. We call it a "pot belly" or "beer belly" or if the visceral fat is on our hips and buttocks, we say we are "apple shaped." Cute names aside, scientists now say that body fat, instead of body weight, is the key to evaluating obesity. And guess what? It's all bad. (credit:Alamy)
11. Continue To Smoke(11 of11)
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Gallup found that baby boomers between the ages of 44 and 54 reported higher levels of smoking than those immediately younger or those who are older. Hard to imagine that they haven't gotten the word yet about the risks cigarettes carry. (credit:Alamy)

Sleep and mental approaches

Living longer and looking younger takes work - Dr Sharma emphasises the importance of sleep, rest and relaxation and shows scientific evidence of how these, and particularly meditation, not only enhance health but also prolong life.

"Your bedroom should be dark and quiet. And, have you thought about avoiding the electromagnetic radiation your may be getting by sleeping a few feet above the house electricity supply box? Have sex - it aids sleep and relaxation. Melatonin is a useful supplement and sleep hormone with powerful brain protecting benefits. Try herbal extracts such as Valerian and Passiflora to help with insomnia."

Diet and nutrition

Evidence suggests limiting food intake or at least optimising weight extends life and Dr Sharma approves of the Paleo diet, the Anti-Candida/fermentation diet.

He also advocates taking vitamins and supplements. He says: "Our soil no longer contains essential nutrients such as selenium and magnesium as these have been leeched out by over-farming and their absorption has been blocked by pesticides. As a result the plants and animals we eat do not provide enough essential nutrients."

Eat well to protect your immune system and organs

In his book, Dr Sharma writes about the benefit to arteries of antioxidants along with how the neurological system depends on essential fatty acids and phospholipids as well as amino acids. "Our detoxification processes can be enhanced by nutrients such as folic acid, sulphur-containing foods and certain herbal extracts. "

He adds: "It is well known that antioxidants benefit arteries and that the neurological system depends on essential fatty acids, phospholipids and amino acids - but which type are the best to take? Citrate supplements are better absorbed than the pharmaceutical grade that fill the shops but you can do a lot in your own kitchen. Even herbs such as basil, sage and thyme are rich in Vitamin K which helps protect the heart and bones. Berries contain anthocyanins which benefit the arteries and the nervous system."

Have a good detox

An inability to detoxify creates a toxic environment for all our organs and systems. He adds: "Start detoxifying today through sweating. Up your exercise routine by just 10 minutes. Go to a sauna as regularly as possible. Flush the system with one to two litres of water. Use specific supplements to stimulate intracellular removal of toxins such as Glutathione and Vitamin C. Eat lots of fibre to get those bowels moving or consider a small amount of a natural bulking agent such as psyllium or flax.

"Our detoxification processes can also be enhanced by nutrients such as folic acid and sulphur-containing foods such as broccoli and certain herbal extracts such as milk thistle may be an option to keep the liver at an optimum level by

'upregulating' our Phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification."

Have a healthy gut

"Bowel health is extremely important," he says.

"Eat lots of fibre to get those bowels moving or consider a small amount of a natural bulking agent such as psyllium or flax. Death starts in the colon' is a phrase attributed to many doctors throughout the ages and is true in many senses. Keep the colon in good health using beneficial bowel bacteria/flora but it is important to vary the type used and to use products with multiple strains rather than just one. The elimination of potentially damaging yeasts and parasites by using coconut extracts and herbal oils such as oregano may decrease age related illnesses."

How the immune system plays a part in ageing

Immunosenescence is the term given to age related, gradual deterioration of the immune system's white blood cells. As this happens we are more open to infection and cancer as we age.

This is why influenza (flu) can be devastating to the elderly. Exercise and sleep , good nutrition and judicious use of vaccination (not the best option for all of us) may help some of us. "Immune stimulants such as zinc and beta glucans can be of enormous benefit and have a profound influence on our longevity."

Hormones - don't be afraid of them

Some countries are years ahead of others in the understanding of the benefits of prescribing hormones. This helps in the avoidance of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other age related dementias.

"Supplements such as Vitamin B 6, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids help maintain your hormone balance and hormone receptor sensitivity."

Dr Rajendra Sharma's Live Longer, Live Younger, £10.99, published by Watkins, is out in January.