Are We A Nation Of All Work And No Play?

Are We A Nation Of All Work And No Play?

Is the sofa your only destination outside work hours? Photo: Getty

If you feel your life is all about work, work and even more work, you're not the only one. According to a survey by NeuroDrinks, three quarters of Brits reckon their week is all work and no play. And with stress being a major problem for the nation's physical and emotional health, that's not good news.

Two thirds of us say we don't have the energy to do anything after a long day at the office, with the average Brit crashing out on the sofa when they get back home in the evenings. A third of us even doze off on the sofa before it's time for bed, the survey suggests.

And that's not all. Nearly half of those quizzed admit they focus too much on work, and don't spend enough time getting out and about.

But with summer just around the corner, there's hope. According to the survey, 75 claiming they spend more time outdoors compared to during the winter (when one in five adults claim they don't venture outdoors at all).

So it's no wonder that 85% of the study's participants say their mood is significantly better in the summer. According to experts, lack of sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency, and that can cause depression as well as physical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.

But even in summer some of us are still chained to our desks. For instance, more than one in ten workaholic Brits claims never to have had a picnic in the park.

Are you planning any fun outdoor activities this weekend?

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