'Beautification' Is The Make-Up Robot Of Your Dreams

This Robot Will Apply Your Makeup For You

Remember this?

That, for real:

University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria design students Maya Pindeus and Johanna Pichlbauer created Beautification, a robotic makeup machine, for the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne 2015.

No, it’s not tremendously good at applying makeup — but that’s not the point. The point is precisely that computers are not programmed to work on flawed, human faces — instead fixating on the “normative and formless”.

On their website they write — via Cnet — "[In Beautification] They are given the responsibility of carrying out intimate cosmetic tasks in our faces. In a magical beautification ritual they analyse, sparkle, buzz, slide over our skin and beautify us, following their own secret ideals..."

Find out more about the project here.