Beauty News! Introducing The £529 Lipsticks You Can't Actually Use

Beauty News! Introducing The £529 Lipsticks You Can't Actually Use

All about the latest beauty product? Hong Kong makeup artist May Sum has launched a collection of lipsticks that are mini pieces of art. Think intricate floral and portrait sculpture designs, think a cool £529 a pop.

The lipsticks are available to buy exclusively on and come in various themes and colour ways, plus they can be customised to suit every client's demands. Want your face on your lippy? You got it.

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The celebrity-championed lipstick sculptor, revealed it takes between 12 and 13 hours to create a floral sculpture with the more detailed portraits need up to a week to finish.

The floral lipstick art series by May Sum is her second as the first collection named "Fashion Icon" involved sculpting famous fashion legends like Lady Gaga, Princess Diana and Victoria Beckham.

"I like to use MAC and Nars because their texture is harder and they always have special colours. Chanel is also great, as they have a beautiful red colour series" Sum says in an exclusive interview with the MailOnline.

As far as beauty buys go, these lipsticks are about as luxe as they come. The thing is, would you really use a lipstick you'd blown over £500 on? We're thinking probably not.

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