BlackBerry Bold To Return After Fresh Losses

Guess Who's Back?

Blackberry is in deep trouble. It's new BB10 devices aren't selling well, and it just lost almost half a billion dollars in three months.

So it's got a new plan.

It's old plan.

Blackberry has announced it is bringing back its previous generation, three-year-old Bold 9900 phone.

The phone, which runs the old BlackBerry 7 OS and has a full keyboard, will reenter the market aimed at business users and those who like 'classic' Blackberries.

CEO John Chen said new production techniques mean BlackBerry should be able to make a better profit on the phones than before, and said the company will continue to make new phones.

"Our customers still love the BB OS device, particularly BB7 devices. We'll continue to make these devices available and support the operating system as long as there is customer demand."

It is also possible that the Bold will be aimed more at developing markets. (And without a modern browser or app store, you can see why it might make sense not to launch it to too great a fanfare in the UK.)

On the other hand plenty of people still like their old BlackBerry devices, and phones with excellent hardware keyboards, so who knows? Maybe everything old is new again.

Here are 11 more devices it could bring back too: