Brigitte Nielsen Hits Out At Criticism Of Older Mothers

The actress gave birth at the age of 54 in June.

Brigitte Nielsen has hit out at the double standards parents face around ageing, suggesting older fathers are not judged by society in the same way as older mothers. 

The actress and model, now 55, gave birth to her fifth child, Frida, at the age of 54 in June and was soon criticised on social media, with some claiming she was “too old” to be a new mum. But she doesn’t think men are subjected to the same level of scrutiny. 

“Some women think, ‘Oh my God, I’m too old.’ Well, yeah, I can understand people saying, ‘How dare she?’” Nielsen told People magazine. “But how many men have their first kids in their 60s and 70s and they never doubt it?

“Do I understand that [people] are a bit skeptical? Yes, I understand. I also totally respect the fact that not everybody likes it and agrees with it, but it is my life.”

Nielsen also spoke candidly about her experience of IVF, revealing she has been trying to have a baby using the treatment for more than 10 years with husband Mattia Dessi, who is now 39. After speculation in the press, she confirmed she underwent egg freezing at the age of 40 soon after meeting Dessi.

Speaking of the process, she said: “It is such a long road. What I want women to know is that everything is possible, but you have to be realistic... Another thing is it is expensive. It doesn’t come easy or cheap if you do it my way. I want people to know that.”

According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, which regulates fertility treatment in the UK, the average cost of having your eggs collected and frozen is £2,500 to £5,000. Storage costs are extra and tend to be between £150 and £400 per year and then prospective parents will usually have to pay extra for IVF treatment.