Catwalk Review: Charlie Le Mindu S/S 2011

Catwalk Review: Charlie Le Mindu S/S 2011

Photo: PA

DESIGNER: Charlie Le Mindu

INSPIRATION: Sunset Boulevard, the eccentric and trashy tastes of LAs super-wealthy

TOP LOOKS: Hmmm... where to begin. If you're in the market for a flamingo pink wig topped with a furry poodle or a leopard print horse hair suit (with matching wig, natch), Le Mindu is your man.

WHAT WE THOUGHT: Le Mindu describes himself as a "haute couiffure", and with clients including Lady Gaga and Peaches, its clear his creations will never get worn on a trip to B&Q or to a boardroom meeting. But his talent for spectacle is undeniable, and there was a huge energy to the show this morning. His sculptural wigs embedded with car lamps and champagne glasses provided a tongue-in-cheek look at the rich, famous and tasteless, and a reminder that fashion can be fun and very ridiculous.