Catwalk Review: Y-3 S/S 2011

Catwalk Review: Y-3 S/S 2011

Fernanda Calfat, Getty Images for Y-3

DESIGNER:Y-3 by Yohji Yamamoto

INSPIRATION: "An audacious spirit, intuitive attitude and sensitive energy," according to WWD.

TOP LOOKS: Black short-sleeve jacket, mini skirt and bra top with black leggings; oversize red cardigan, Adidas stripe bra top and red leggings; black-and-white polo with long black skirt.

ACCESSORIES: Top hats, chains, and high-top pointy-toe kicks and wedges accented with the Adidas stripe

WHO WAS THERE: Omarion, stylist June Ambrose with six-year-old daughter, Summer

WHAT WE THOUGHT: Yet again, Yamamoto has turned traditional activewear into street fashion with his 80s rock 'n' roll meets goth-infused collection. Black abounded - bra tops, miniskirts, morning jackets, tanks, bombers, leggings, you name it. Occasional pops of colour appeared, with a couple of head-to-toe-red looks, a touch of green, and some blue thrown in.

Overall, the best stuff was the awesome trainers: pointy-toe laced high-tops, to be exact. Perhaps the biggest disappointment for Y-3 fans was that Yohji, who has karate-chopped and attempted to play football on the runway, wasn't in town to take his bow. Oh well, we'll wait until next season.