Christian Louboutin Uses The "F Word" About Barbie

Christian Louboutin Uses The "F Word" About Barbie

No I'm not talking about that word. I mean FAT. Yes, a top shoe designer has used that word to describe part of Barbie's anatomy.

Quite how the word fat could be used in relation to any part of the strangely shaped doll is hard to imagine.

But shoe designer Christian Louboutin has managed it. He is giving the iconic doll a makeover but --horror -- has discovered her "ankles were too fat".

A Louboutin spokesman said the designer found Barbie had cankles, according to Women's Wear Daily. Then his people backtracked saying it was her arches, not her ankles, that were too large, reported the New York Daily News.

So that's all right then. As long as we're clear about what exactly is too large on the doll that, were she to become human she would struggle to walk thanks to her unrealistic looking body.

The problem boils down to the doll's ability, or rather inability, to wear a Barbie sized version of Louboutin's signature stiletto heels which in real life are five inches high with red soles.

It's enough to make you want to shout at the computer screen "we're talking about a doll people!" It is not really that important.

Or is it?

According to Joanna Molloy, writing in the New York Daily News, there is more to this than just a doll wearing funny shoes.

She quotes a recent report which states 25 of boys have eating disorders and a study by the Mayo Clinic discovered anorexia is spreading to children as young as four. Four!

Children are surrounded by pictures, adverts, posters and even toys in their bedrooms depicting very thin women so it's no wonder they see this as the ideal body shape.

Louboutin isn't the first designer to come out with something ridiculous in relation to size. Karl Lagerfeld recently hit out at "fat mummies" who he said were the only ones to complain about models being too thin and, according to Molloy, recently stated that "no one wants to see round women".

I find it is a minefield to ensure my daughters grow up with a healthy body image but I'm doing my best by leading by example. And I admit, there are one or two Barbies lurking in the toy box.

Do you think it's time we started ignoring fashion designers when they speak? Or is Barbie banned from your house?

Source (Parentdish)