Christmas Books To Share With Your Children

Christmas Books To Share With Your Children

In an ideal world I'd have a different Christmas book for every day of December to share with the children but -- alas -- this year I am neither rich enough to buy them or organised enough to go to the library.

It's a sweet way to add to the Christmas countdown and is a nice way to get them ready for Christmas, not that any child needs help in that department.

Here are the top five Christmas books found on our shelves -- don't forget to add your recommendations in the comments (just in case we ever make it to the library).Sleepy Jesus (Pennie Kidd, illus Susie Poole)

This is a beautifully illustrated book which we've had since our eldest was a toddler. It is the perfect introduction to the Christmas story and is one of our favourites. It tells the nativity story in an unsentimental way and, even if you don't buy into that, it's a warm way to introduce a non- toys and chocolate side to the festivities.

The Night Before Christmas (Clement C Moore, illus Christian Birmingham)

"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..." is a classic poem etched on the hearts of many an adult. This book has beautiful illustrations and is the perfect tonic for over-excited children on Christmas Eve.

The Jolly Postman is a classic and this Christmas version doesn't disappoint. Young children will love seeing the card Goldilocks and her sister sent to Baby Bear and his brother and a jigsaw for Humpty Dumpty who's in hospital. This is the sort of book adults enjoy as much as their children.

This is one book that would be great on any shelf, There are 14 stories and legends from around the world that would see you through most of December including The Nutcracker, The Fir Tree and the Elves and the Shoemaker With its beautiful illustrations, it's designed to appeal to both boys and girls.

Mog's Christmas (Judith Kerr)

I don't usually get enthusiastic over Christmas versions of old favourites (Mr Christmas from the Mr Men springs to mind) but with Mog it's different. This loveable cat is confused by all the hustle and bustle so takes to the roof out of everyone's way. It all ends happily and is a lovely read, especially for children who might own their own Mog.

What are your favourite children's Christmas stories?