If you are expecting your first baby I'm sure you're nervous, excited, but not quite sure what to expect or what is expected of you. I've been in midwifery for almost a decade and here's a few quick tips. I hope they help.

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If you are expecting your first baby I'm sure you're nervous, excited, but not quite sure what to expect or what is expected of you. I've been in midwifery for almost a decade and here's a few quick tips. I hope they help. http://www.mlmaternity.com

Parent craft classes are essential- life is going to change dramatically and it's a good idea to understand what may come, what your partner would like and what you would like. Preparing for your baby is key to getting things off to a good start.

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You may need to leave the room for a break- or you may want to stay there the whole time. Whatever you feel that you need to do, go with it. As labour progresses emotions can run high but you really need to look after yourself as your partner and newborn will both need your support after birth. First babies can take their time and even if your partner can't eat, have a snack and keep yourself hydrated, look after yourself.

You'll feel everything- from intensely needed to a bit helpless, probably nervous and even uncomfortable in relying on healthcare professionals to look after your pregnant partner but when you look down at your very own creation those feelings soon fade and elation takes over. You're somebody's dad, a hero to them.

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Your support is so important- your partner may or may not want a lot of chat or tactile support, just being there and sensitive to her changing needs will go a long way and set the foundations for your new family. Don't underestimate just how important your hand holding really is and try to stay calm. It's tough seeing someone you love in pain but stay calm, she'll admire you for it after.

Go through the labour bag- It will most likely be you that has to grab bit and bobs from your partners bag whilst she's in labour so ensure you know where everything is so you haven't got to pull it all out.

Ps if you are looking for the perfect gift for your partner you can pick up one of my pre-packed maternity changing bags with everything she needs for labour, birth and beyond.

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