Diver Comes Face-To-Face With Shark While Wearing A GoPro

Shark Attacks Diver Armed Only With A Spear (And A GoPro)

If you're going to get attacked by a shark, it's always a plus if you're holding a spear.

(And wearing a GoPro, so the internet can watch your escape later on).

That's exactly what happened to diver Jason Dimitri, who was attacked by a shark while hunting lionfish in the western Caribbean Sea, near the Cayman Islands.

He captured the moment the shark "came out of nowhere" with its jaws opening, narrowly missing him before retreating and circling several times, as Dimitri fended him off with his hunting spear.

"The shark came out of nowhere. It scared the crap out of me," Dimitri said on his YouTube page.

But he was sanguine about the shark's motivations.

"The shark was acting in his natural environment. I have no ill will toward him".