Do You Think About Food Every 30 Minutes?

Do You Think About Food Every 30 Minutes?

If you've stuffed too much over Christmas you may be fed up with the idea of eating lots of rich foods, puddings and chocolate by now. But if a new survey is anything to go by it may be more difficult that you realise to get back into eating sensibly, since a quarter of women think about food every 30 minutes.

How often do you fantasise about food (and is it healthy food)? Photo: MorgueFile, chamomile

Nutrition and behavioural experts working on behalf of diet supplement brand Shapesmart quizzed 5,000 men and women about their attitudes to food. What they discovered was that women are obsessed with food, while men are obsessed with sex. Nothing new there then.

Apparently, while women think about food every half hour, 36 of women who are part of a couple say they feel uncomfortable eating in front of their partner, while almost 50 of us eats unhealthy foods in secret.

Why do so many women have such a complicated relationship with food - and sex too? Do you have any ideas?

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