Does The Pill Affect Sex Life? Sexologist Reveals What It Can Do To Your Libido

Does The Pill Affect Sex Life?

To pill or not to pill?

That's the question raised in this video, which hopes to get to the bottom of whether the contraceptive pill can really kill a woman's libido.

According to sexologist, Hanneke Termeer: "There's a group of women who love the fact that the pill cancels out the pre-menstrual downs - so no more mood swings or food cravings.

"But for some women it's a disadvantage because it can mess with their hormones. This group of women experience a lower sex drive."

This, she says, is because women who take the pill have a lower testosterone level, which is usually needed to raise libido levels.

But does it actually affect women? The resounding answer from women interviewed on the street was: "No".

The Evolution Of Contraceptives
Crocodile Dung And Honey(01 of08)
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In ancient Egypt (we're talking 3051BC) this pleasant concoction was used as spermicide. We bet it smelled delightful... (credit:JRL via Getty Images)
Weasel Testicles(02 of08)
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This garter made of weasel balls might have been all the rage in Europe between 500-100 AD, however we're very glad it's off the cards now. (credit:Engender Health)
Onion Juice(03 of08)
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A little more sensible (but still way off the mark) the women of France used to drink onion juice as an oral contraceptive in the 1600s. Probably not ideal for warding off sperm, although onion breath does make for an excellent man repellent. (credit:Datacraft Co Ltd via Getty Images)
Lead Juice(04 of08)
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Meanwhile the Ancient Greeks (800-600 AD) were all for a bit of Blacksmith water with a dollop of lead. We'd choose pregnancy over poison any day of the week. (credit:Engender Health)
Ground Beaver Balls And Moonshine(05 of08)
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Yup, beaver testicles (poor little fellas) ground into powder and mixed with a splash of moonshine = the ultimate contraceptive cocktail. Canada in 1534, ladies and gents. (credit:kwiktor via Getty Images)
If In Doubt, Thimble Up(06 of08)
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Europe in the 1800s was an intuitive place. We wonder how many got lost up there... (credit:Engender Health)
Pig Intestine Condoms(07 of08)
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For several hundred years, men would protect their 'pork swords' with a little sheath made from pig intestines - now we know it as a condom. Thank heavens for latex. (credit:Engender Health)
Coke vs Sperm(08 of08)
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The 1960s were home to strange thoughts, including the notion that Coca Cola could blast out any unwanted sperm if you washed downstairs with it. Fizzy... (credit:Engender Health)