E3 2014: 9 Unexpectedly Cool Ideas And Indie Games Hidden Among The Sequels And Reboots

9 Cool Ideas Hidden Among The Sequels And Reboots At E3

Given the marketing budgets involved, it's basically inevitable that the "big" reboots and sequels will dominate E3 over the smaller, weirder ideas hidden in the corners.

But that doesn't mean that those ideas and games aren't out there - and that they don't demand your attention.

In fact, as we saw on the PS4's release last year when the indie retro shooter Resogun overshadowed Killzone and FIFA, increasingly it's these small, bright ideas that are forming the future of the industry itself.

Now the hoopla of the major press conferences has started to die down a little, we've taken another look at the stranger, weirder ideas in the background that you'll not want to miss amid the bright lights and explosions.