5 Easy Exercises To Help You Get Fit Fast From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

5 Easy Exercises To Help You Get Fit Fast

If you've got a busy schedule (or you just hate the gym) the best way to tone and strengthen muscles quickly is to do exercises that work your whole body.

In the above video, personal trainer Chris Tye Walker demonstrates five exercises to help you improve your fitness from the comfort of your own home - all you need is two medium-sized weights.

Each individual exercise is designed to work several muscle groups at once, giving you the ultimate workout for minimal effort.

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Take two medium-sized weights and stand with feet shoulder-width apart with your weight on your heels.

Put the weights by your shoulders, squat by bending your knees and get ready to feel the burn in your thighs.

Then, extend the legs and once standing, lift one arm across your body, all the way to the ceiling.

Repeat on both sides, exhaling every time you extend.

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This will work your abs and shoulders as well as increasing your heart rate.

Come to the floor in a lifted press up position, making sure your hands and shoulders are in line. Rotate your pelvis forwards and keep your eyes down to the floor.

From there, complete the rotation by lifting your left knee to your right elbow, then move back to neutral.

Repeat on both sides.

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Stand with your legs just under shoulder-width apart and pull in your abs.

Lunge backwards by placing one leg behind you on the ball of your foot - it's important to keep the knee of the extended leg at a right angle with the floor.

As you lunge backwards, lift your arms from your side to your chest to complete a curl. Be sure to keep your elbows tight to your body.

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This will work your biceps, triceps, chest and abs all in one.

Go down to the floor in an extended press up position, then lower your chest to the floor and rise back up again.

As you hit the extended press up position, lift your right hand from the floor and move towards your rib cage, keeping your hand at a right angle to the floor.

Repeat on both sides.

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With legs wide, bend and lower the weights to the floor without bending your back.

From there, lift up and extend your arms above your head and behind your shoulders as you hit a standing position.

Lower the weights with control and repeat.

15 Exercises For Back Pain
Push-Up with Leg Lift(01 of16)
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With your hands and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the arms fully extended, lower your chest to the floor while maintaining a neutral spine in the plank position. As you do this, elevate one foot off the floor squeezing your butt cheeks to activate your gluteals.Alternate sides until you have completed 20 repetitions.
Plan-Balance Level 1(02 of16)
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When holding the plank position, ensure that the arms are in a vertical position directly under the shoulders. While maintaining this position, curl your heel to your butt while keeping your knees at the same height and ensuring there is no rotation or movement through the pelvis or torso. Complete 20 repetitions in total.
Plan-Balance Level 2(03 of16)
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Same technique tips as level 1, however, the level 2 movement increases the control needed. Complete 20 repetitions in total.
Side Plank Level 1(04 of16)
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Lift your hip from the floor to activate the obliques and core. Keep your hips low and push up from your arm on the floor. 10 repetitions each side.
Side Plank Level 2(05 of16)
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Same as level 1, reach your arm overhead to lengthen out the torso, and increase muscle activation and balance. 10 repetitions each side.
Side Plank Level 3(06 of16)
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Same as the level 2 exercise, this times as you reach overhead, elevate your knee in towards your elbow for more activation and a bigger challenge. 10 repetitions each side
Bodyweight Squats(07 of16)
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While maintaining a neutral spine, sit your bodyweight down into a squat position until your tailbone drops lower than your knees. Ensure there is no excessive forward flexion of the torso. The distance that your knees travel forward during a squat will be different for each person depending on their limb length, regardless, make sure you keep your spine neutral. Complete 15 repetitions.
Walking Lunges(08 of16)
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Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands beside your body, take a moderate step forward lowering your knee to about one inch off the floor, while raising your arms overhead. Repeat alternating which leg steps forward for 20 repetitions.
Deadlift Stretch Start(09 of16)
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This exercise is used for flexibility in this instance, however, once you have recovered from back pain you can add resistance.
Deadlift Stretch Finish(10 of16)
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Focus on keeping the lower back in a neutral position with your chest out and legs should-width apart. You should be able to feel the hamstring activation as your pull your upper body from forward flexion back into an upright position. Complete 10 repetitions.
Gluteal-Hamstring Lift Level 1(11 of16)
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Designed to activate the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back, this exercise is great for strengthening and shaping the back of the legs. Start with your butt touching the floor and then lift to push your hips up as you squeeze your butt cheeks. Complete 10 repetitions.
Gluteal-Hamstring Lift Level 2(12 of16)
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Same technique as level 1, however, this is the one leg version for people who are looking for an extra challenge. With this level, be sure to avoid any rotation through the pelvis. The challenge is to activate more core and gluteals. Complete 10 repetitions each
Kneeling Hip & Chest(13 of16)
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In a kneeling position, take the weight forward as you anchor your back knee to the floor. Hold the stretch for five seconds and release.Completes this stretch five times before switching legs.
Gluteals Level 1(14 of16)
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This stretch can also be done with a bent leg elevated on a bench or chair. Aim to have your pelvis in a neutral position with no rotation, and avoid rounding through the upper back as you stretch forward. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before changing sides. Complete three sets of 20 on each side.
Gluteals & Quads Level 2(15 of16)
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Basically the same technique as level 1, this move stretches out the hips. You can elevate the back foot to incorporate hips flexors and quadriceps into the stretch as well. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before changing sides. Complete three sets of 20 on each side.
Foam Roller(16 of16)
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Lie on your side with the roller at the knee and drag your body along the floor until the roller reaches your hips. Return to the starting position. You can also rotate your body forward or back to target a different part of the leg. Complete five rolls on each.