So What's So Important About Femininity Anyway?

As important as our heels and handbags are (I worship at the altars of Blahnik and Choo whenever I can)...our obsession with gaining 'equality' with the boys is costing us...and while we might be aware of the symptoms...we're oblivious to the cause.

So what's so important about Femininity? Why should we care? We've been proving to everyone out there, men and women alike, that we can do anything and everything that the boys can do for decades now, so what's the big deal? I mean, we've still got our heels and handbags, and that's what matters, right? So who cares if we've lost a bit of our femininity along the way?

Well, the answer is (unfortunately)...we do. We just don't necessarily realise it.

As important as our heels and handbags are (I worship at the altars of Blahnik and Choo whenever I can)...our obsession with gaining 'equality' with the boys is costing us...and while we might be aware of the symptoms...we're oblivious to the cause.

You see, life is all about balance (and that doesn't consist of a cocktail glass or shopping bag in each hand), and unfortunately balance (especially in terms of masculinity and femininity) doesn't tend to be very high on our list of priorities.

We are trying to do it all...and we are trying to do it all without any help. We are taking on so many roles in life: girlfriend or wife, mum, career girl, daughter, friend, domestic goddess, culture vulture, chef, health & fitness poster child, entrepreneur...the list goes on!

Put simply, women these days are wearing so many hats that they could single handedly supply the entire crowd at Royal Ascot's Ladies Day.

Not only are we trying to do it all...but we're trying to do it all perfectly. We are trying to prove that there's nothing we can't do.

Now, I hate to break it to you ladies, but the need to do it all, keep control, compete with everyone around us and prove that we are the best are all very masculine traits.

We've all heard comments like "She definitely wears the trousers" (read "pants" for our international ladies!) or "She's got balls!"...and while this might not be anatomically accurate, it does sum the situation up pretty well (let's face it, they're not phrases we'd associate with femininity!).

You see, women have been so desperate to keep control of this chaotic life that the only way that they have found to do this has been to step into Superman (not even superwoman!) mode. The man of steel who is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Now, no self respecting woman would ever combine red underwear with blue tights, but how many of us feel that we need superhuman powers just to get through the week?!

The problem with this situation is that "wearing the trousers" takes real effort...its hard work. You need to force yourself to stay strong, to make everything happen, to prove that you can do it all. This "masculine woman" is stressed, overwhelmed, feels under-appreciated and unhappy. Whether it's at work or at home, she is struggling to keep all the balls she is juggling in the air. She often has health problems, a schedule which is running her ragged and time for her seems like a distant memory (Time for me? What's that, I hear you say?!)

On the flip side, when you decide to hang the 'trousers' up and get in touch with the real you - losing the baggage, the competitiveness, the control and reconnecting with your femininity, it's a different story.

You see, a woman who is being completely and totally true to herself is powerful, confident and can just accept herself, as she is.

She doesn't have to force anything or prove anything, she just does what comes naturally...and believe me when I tell you that it has an impact on every single aspect of her life.

Now, I want to be clear, by being feminine, I do not mean a return to domestic submission, aspects of servitude or the appeasement of the male species (sorry boys, but trust me when I tell you that you'll enjoy this a whole lot more as well!)

...and it also doesn't mean that we need to forget or lose touch with our masculine traits either, as everyone has access to both for a reason.

Personally, I think that femininity has been given a bad rap...and I would like to set the record straight.

I know you might think that the feminine you doesn't exist, but maybe she's just been buried for a little while...and the experience of digging her out and dusting her off will be well worth it, believe me.

So if you would like to find out more about femininity...then stick with's going to be a lot of fun! X