Giant Tetris Game Played On Philadelphia Skyscraper

This Is How You Play Tetris

That massive TV you play video games on is pathetic.

This is how you do it - on an skyscraper.

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Hundreds of people got the chance to play the classic Tetris on the side of the 29-story Cira Centre in downtown Philadelphia on Saturday.

The event was to kick off Philly Tech Week as well as marking the upcoming 30th birthday of the video game that refuses to die.

Frank Lee, an associate professor of digital media at Drexel University who oversaw the event, said: "This project began as a personal love letter to the games that I loved when I was a child - Pong last year, Tetris this year. But it ended up as a way of uniting the city of Philadelphia."

Lee already holds the Guinness World Record for the world's largest architectural video game display for playing Pong on one side of the Cira Centre last year.

Sam Robinson was one of those lucky enough to have a go. He said: "It has been probably 15 years since I played Tetris last on a Game Boy, and it's much different playing on the side of building that's a half-mile away. Everything's happening so quick."