Go Kart For Goldfish Liberates Trapped Fish At Last (VIDEO)

It's A Go Kart For Goldfish!

If you've ever felt despair for the lonely, trapped lives of the humble goldfish, we have the invention for you.

A design studio known as Studio Diip has created a motorised go-kart for goldfish which can be directly control by said goldfish.

The fish "decides" which way to move by swimming in a certain direction, which is captured by a web cam and processed by an on-board computer. Then the robot moves in the direction chosen by the piscine.

It's just a lab experiment for now, though we can't help but join in with Engadget in hoping this becomes a practical reality for consumers as soon as possible, followed by the immediate liberation of the ocean's fish onto the surface and an inevitable, horrible conflict resolved only by a collective decision to share a portion of chips.