How To Get Fit Without Going To The Gym

How To Get Fit Without Going To The Gym

We all know that regular exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle, but for some the idea of going to the gym couldn't be less appealing.

While some feel intimidated by the idea of working out in a gym, others are put off by the financial commitment of membership - so, if you're one of these people, how do you improve your fitness?

Speaking to HuffPost Live professional adventurer Jeb Carliss provides another option.

Jeb keeps fit by exploring the great outdoors - he hikes, paddles boards and rides bikes.

“I prefer not to be in the gym if I can because being in a locked room with a bunch of smelly people is not as much fun or enjoyable as being out in nature,” he says.

In the video, cyclist Chris Burns agrees that there are many different ways to get started if you are a little intimidated by the E-word – exercise.

“It could be as simple as going for a walk around the block by your house [...] it doesn’t have to be something that risks life and limb," he says.

HuffPost Live then asked readers for their tips on getting fit sans gym - suggestions range from going to a rock concert to exploring your local area.