Harvard University Is Offering Students An 'Anal Sex 101′ Class

Harvard University Is Offering Students An 'Anal Sex 101′ Class

Sex Week at Harvard University includes a student-run class called "What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101" this year. YES, really.

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Harvard Campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts

The annual event, according to the university's website, includes "a week of programming that is interdisciplinary, thought-provoking, scholastic, innovative and applicable to student experiences in order to promote a holistic understanding of sex and sexuality."

Pretty impressive as far as Ivy League education goes, no?

The course description itself, reads:

"Come learn everything about anal sex from the experts of Good Vibrations, a sex-positive store located right in Brookline! They will dispel myths about anal sex and give you insight into why people do it and how to do it well.

"They will cover a wide variety of topics, including: anal anatomy and the potential for pleasure for all genders; how to talk about it with a partner; basic preparation and hygiene; lubes, anal toys, and safer sex; anal penetration for beginners, and much more!"

Yes, they're serious about higher education and what better way to promote awareness on "What What in the Butt"?

Sex Week at Harvard is organised by Sexual Health Education & Advocacy (SHEATH) so the intention is to discuss and dissect matters on sexual health.

As you might imagine, the reception from students so far has been pretty mixed - some are unimpressed and just not interested, others intrigued and open to discussion.

Whatever the number of attendees on this course, hats off to Harvard for its student offering.


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