Is This The Secret To Healthy Skin?

When you envision the ultimate in healthy skin, what do you see? If a smooth, clear, and radiant complexion is what instantly comes to mind, you won't be alone; it's what most of us aim for. But how do you go about achieving that?
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When you envision the ultimate in healthy skin, what do you see? If a smooth, clear, and radiant complexion is what instantly comes to mind, you won't be alone; it's what most of us aim for. But how do you go about achieving that?

By creating a flawless skincare routine, with a focus on deep cleansing followed by a nourishing moisturiser, you probably think you're on track. But, are you? If you ever suffer from breakouts or skin sensitivity, you might be looking at more than a foolproof skincare routine to save your complexion.

Whether you suffer with a eczema, acne-like breakouts, or even dry skin, you might need to bypass your skincare routine and start to look within. We all know that our lifestyle choices have a big impact on our health, but we often forget that they can drastically effect our skin too. And why wouldn't they? Our skin is our biggest organ after all.

When your lifestyle choices involve a lot of toxins, they can leave the body in many different ways. One of the most common is through the skin. Meaning that, when you eat an unbalanced diet, it will show in your skin. So there is a lot truth in the saying you are what you eat!

This is something that the sensitive skincare brand Sönd know all too well - they've built their business around it. Over the past few weeks, I feel like I've gotten to know Sönd very well. Their ethos is refreshing, and their products are pretty impressive too. They use silicia in all of their products - a powerful mineral that is naturally present within our bodies. Harnessing silica's natural abilities across their product line promotes incredible results - particularly with the bestselling supplement.

But most importantly of all, they've taught me a lot.

I've always know that lifestyle choices affect your health, but when you see what they do to your skin, it's so much easier to understand that skincare will always be holistic. Products alone are not enough. The Sönd range of products focus on promoting healthy skin cells, but even they know that they have to be combined with a nourishing diet and a good old fashioned detox.

And before you run for the hills, the kind of detox we're talking about here is the best kind. It promotes clearer skin, a boost in energy levels, and a better overall mood - rather than the torturous side effects you always assume a detox will have.

Our bodies need to detox. By eradicating toxins from the body, you skin will feel rejuvenated. To do that, you've got to work on limiting the amount of toxins you're putting in, and work with your organs to get them out. It really is that simple.

So much so, that Sönd have created a detox cheat sheet to guide you, along with a series of skin detox videos in collaboration with Dr. Isabel Sharkar, on how detoxing can be beneficial for sensitive skin and how to do it.

And Dr. Sharkar really does know her stuff! If you feel as if your skin needs a little love, you might be in luck. Sönd are running a competition to win a free nutrition consultation with Dr. Sharkar herself worth £350! Enter by filling out your details in the widget below, and you'll also get instant access to the Detox Cheat Sheet to get your started on your holistic healthy skincare journey!