House Of Holland Spring 2013 At London Fashion Week: A Multisensory Experience

House Of Holland Spring 2013 At London Fashion Week: A Multisensory Experience

The looks: 1990s, with a hefty nod to Empire Records, Blossom and My So Called Life and a liberal application of tie-dye and beanie hats.

The sound: Fashion types like to pretend that the 1990s was all about gritty grunge and photos of a sulky teenage Kate Moss with her top off, but Henry Holland bust things wide open and celebrated the rave, techno, ecstatic and possibly naff 1990s that tend to get brushed under a fashionable rug.

The soundtrack felt like it was straight off a Smash Hits 1993 compilation cassette. By which we mean this:

And this:

And this:

The f-row: Kelly Osbourne and boyfriend Matt Mosshart, Pixie Geldof, Lauren Laverne, Laura Whitmore, Alexa Chung and Poppy Delevigne.

The smell: Petrol - the show took place in a Soho multi-storey car park. There was also the merest hint of Impulse O2, Body Shop lip balm and joss sticks.

How it made us feel: It made us remember just how awesome the 1990s were.

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